Say yer prayers!
I have begun the practice of praying. I started this past Sunday night/Monday past midnight while staying over at my best friend Tristan's. Well, he got me into it. I was thinking, "Sure , it can't hurt." Only that when he started leading, he proceeded into such eloquent praise, supplication, surrender, and well, praying. I was thinking like this is how it must have been to be around King David when he was writing the Psalms.
Now I'm not saying that the quality of the prayer itself is comparable to a Psalm, but I'm saying that the experience of being in such prayer exceeded anything that I have ever witnessed or done in my whole life as a Christian.
I felt the connection, and at the same time a level of power and humility that I don't even understand. And the thing is, even if I don't understand, I get what it is for me. I get to worship and pray.
Tristan is very pleased with himself that I discovered this heading into my wedding. I've no doubt that Alecon would be delighted; as I suppose she wouldn't have to drag me to church anymore.
Some notes: kneeling is the way to go. It gives you such focus. Often in my youth and especially when doing the rythmic prayers/chants (novenas and the rosary) we were all seated, which only led to daydreaming and other distraction. Another thing is to pattern the prayer after "The Lord's Prayer" such that the following elements are covered: adoration, thanksgiving, specific requests for specific needs, requests for wisdom, and deliverance from sin/evil.
What it is to pray and at the same time hold oneself fully responsible for all results and consequences in life (to live without justification and blame) is to live in paradox and mystery. I give up the expectation or even the inclination to solve it. The mystery is not a problem to be fixed or solved. It's just the way it is. So I choose to live within it.
Disclaimer: I am in no way a theologist, apologist, scriptural analyst, spiritual advisor, or any religio-spiritual expert. I'm just sharing, and that's the game.
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